PST Β· Pacific Standard Time (North America)

The current time and date right now in the time zone.



Time Profile

IANA TimezonePacific Standard Time (North America)
Offset Name-08:00

Countries using the PST time zone are πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ United States, πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ Mexico, πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ Canada, and πŸ‡΅πŸ‡³ Pitcairn.

Pacific Standard Time (North America), abbreviated as PST, has an offset of UTC-08:00. This indicates that the time zone is positioned 8 hours and 0 minutes behind of Coordinated Universal Time.

Related Time Zones

A table with a list of time zones that have the same time offset. Including name and time zone abbreviations.

There are 11 time zones in the table.
IANA Timezone
Offset Name
America/EnsenadaPacific Standard TimePST
America/Los_AngelesPacific Standard TimePST
America/Santa_IsabelPacific Standard TimePST
America/TijuanaPacific Standard TimePST
America/VancouverPacific Standard TimePST
Canada/PacificPacific Standard TimePST
Mexico/BajaNortePacific Standard TimePST
PST8PDTPacific Standard TimePST
Pacific/PitcairnPitcairn TimeGMT-8
US/PacificPacific Standard TimePST