Timezone Profile
Daylight Saving Time | Available |
IANA Timezone | Pacific/Norfolk |
Offset | +12:00 |
The primary country that uses the time zone Pacific/Norfolk is 🇳🇫 Norfolk Island.
Date and Time Format Standards
Related Time Zones
A table with a list of time zones that have the same time offset. Including name and time zone abbreviations.
IANA Timezone | Offset Name | Abbr |
Asia/Anadyr | Anadyr Standard Time | GMT+12 |
Asia/Kamchatka | Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski Standard Time | GMT+12 |
Etc/GMT-12 | GMT+12:00 | GMT+12 |
Kwajalein | Marshall Islands Time | GMT+12 |
Pacific/Fiji | Fiji Standard Time | GMT+12 |
Pacific/Funafuti | Tuvalu Time | GMT+12 |
Pacific/Kwajalein | Marshall Islands Time | GMT+12 |
Pacific/Majuro | Marshall Islands Time | GMT+12 |
Pacific/Nauru | Nauru Time | GMT+12 |
Pacific/Norfolk | Norfolk Island Daylight Time | GMT+12 |
Pacific/Tarawa | Gilbert Islands Time | GMT+12 |
Pacific/Wake | Wake Island Time | GMT+12 |
Pacific/Wallis | Wallis & Futuna Time | GMT+12 |