Timezone Profile
Daylight Saving Time | Not available |
IANA Timezone | Europe/Nicosia |
Offset | +02:00 |
It is most likely an alias or an obsolete name.
Date and Time Format Standards
Related Time Zones
A table with a list of time zones that have the same time offset. Including name and time zone abbreviations.
IANA Timezone | Offset Name | Abbr |
Africa/Blantyre | Central Africa Time | GMT+2 |
Africa/Bujumbura | Central Africa Time | GMT+2 |
Africa/Cairo | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Africa/Gaborone | Central Africa Time | GMT+2 |
Africa/Harare | Central Africa Time | GMT+2 |
Africa/Johannesburg | South Africa Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Africa/Juba | Central Africa Time | GMT+2 |
Africa/Khartoum | Central Africa Time | GMT+2 |
Africa/Kigali | Central Africa Time | GMT+2 |
Africa/Lubumbashi | Central Africa Time | GMT+2 |
Africa/Lusaka | Central Africa Time | GMT+2 |
Africa/Maputo | Central Africa Time | GMT+2 |
Africa/Maseru | South Africa Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Africa/Mbabane | South Africa Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Africa/Tripoli | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Africa/Windhoek | Central Africa Time | GMT+2 |
Asia/Beirut | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Asia/Famagusta | GMT+02:00 | GMT+2 |
Asia/Gaza | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Asia/Hebron | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Asia/Jerusalem | Israel Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Asia/Nicosia | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Asia/Tel_Aviv | Israel Standard Time | GMT+2 |
EET | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Egypt | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Etc/GMT-2 | GMT+02:00 | GMT+2 |
Europe/Athens | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Europe/Bucharest | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Europe/Chisinau | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Europe/Helsinki | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Europe/Kaliningrad | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Europe/Kiev | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Europe/Kyiv | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Europe/Mariehamn | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Europe/Nicosia | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Europe/Riga | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Europe/Sofia | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Europe/Tallinn | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Europe/Tiraspol | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Europe/Uzhgorod | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Europe/Vilnius | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Europe/Zaporozhye | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Israel | Israel Standard Time | GMT+2 |
Libya | Eastern European Standard Time | GMT+2 |