
The current time and date right now in the Europe/Amsterdam time zone.



Timezone Profile

Daylight Saving TimeAvailable
IANA TimezoneEurope/Amsterdam

The primary country that uses the time zone Europe/Amsterdam is 🇳🇱 Netherlands.

Date and Time Format Standards

The table provides a side-by-side comparison of different date and time format standards. Each row represents a unique format standard such as ATOM, COOKIE, ISO, and RFC, among others.
Date and Time
COOKIEMon, 31 Mar 2025 05:10:05 +0200
HTTPMon, 31 Mar 2025 03:10:05 GMT
ISO 86012025-03-31T05:10:05.945+02:00
MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss03-31-2025 05:10:05
MySQL DATETIME2025-03-31 05:10:05
RFC 1036Mon, 31 Mar 25 05:10:05 +0200
RFC 1123Mon, 31 Mar 2025 05:10:05 +0200
RFC 2822Mon, 31 Mar 2025 05:10:05 +0200
RFC 33392025-03-31T05:10:05+0200
RFC 7231Mon, 31 Mar 2025 05:10:05 GMT+2
RFC 822Mon, 31 Mar 25 05:10:05 +0200
RFC 850Monday, 31-Mar-25 05:10:05 GMT+2
RSSMon, 31 Mar 2025 05:10:05 +0200
SQL2025-03-31 05:10:05.945 +02:00
SQL Time05:10:05.945 +02:00
Unix Epoch1743390605
dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss31-03-2025 05:10:05
yyyy-dd-MM HH:mm:ss2025-31-03 05:10:05
yyyy-dd-MM hh:mm:ss a2025-31-03 05:10:05 AM

Related Time Zones

A table with a list of time zones that have the same time offset. Including name and time zone abbreviations.

There are 60 time zones in the table.
IANA Timezone
Offset Name
Africa/BlantyreCentral Africa TimeGMT+2
Africa/BujumburaCentral Africa TimeGMT+2
Africa/CairoEastern European Standard TimeGMT+2
Africa/CeutaCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Africa/GaboroneCentral Africa TimeGMT+2
Africa/HarareCentral Africa TimeGMT+2
Africa/JohannesburgSouth Africa Standard TimeGMT+2
Africa/JubaCentral Africa TimeGMT+2
Africa/KhartoumCentral Africa TimeGMT+2
Africa/KigaliCentral Africa TimeGMT+2
Africa/LubumbashiCentral Africa TimeGMT+2
Africa/LusakaCentral Africa TimeGMT+2
Africa/MaputoCentral Africa TimeGMT+2
Africa/MaseruSouth Africa Standard TimeGMT+2
Africa/MbabaneSouth Africa Standard TimeGMT+2
Africa/TripoliEastern European Standard TimeGMT+2
Africa/WindhoekCentral Africa TimeGMT+2
Arctic/LongyearbyenCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Asia/GazaEastern European Standard TimeGMT+2
Asia/HebronEastern European Standard TimeGMT+2
Atlantic/Jan_MayenCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
CETCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
EgyptEastern European Standard TimeGMT+2
Europe/AmsterdamCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/AndorraCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/BelgradeCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/BerlinCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/BratislavaCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/BrusselsCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/BudapestCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/BusingenCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/CopenhagenCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/GibraltarCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/KaliningradEastern European Standard TimeGMT+2
Europe/LjubljanaCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/LuxembourgCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/MadridCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/MaltaCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/MonacoCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/OsloCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/ParisCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/PodgoricaCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/PragueCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/RomeCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/San_MarinoCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/SarajevoCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/SkopjeCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/StockholmCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/TiraneCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/VaduzCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/VaticanCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/ViennaCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/WarsawCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/ZagrebCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
Europe/ZurichCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
LibyaEastern European Standard TimeGMT+2
METCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2
PolandCentral European Summer TimeGMT+2

For Developers



// Solution 1
// Set the default time zone

// Solution 2
// Use this to get the current date and time in the specified time zone.
$timezone = new DateTimeZone('Europe/Amsterdam');
// Create a new DateTime object
$date = new DateTime('now', $timezone);
// Print the current date and time
echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // 2023-01-01 00:00:00


# Solution 1
# Set the default time zone
from datetime import datetime
# Import the pytz module
import pytz
# Create a timezone object
tz = pytz.timezone("Europe/Amsterdam")
# Get the current time
time_now =
# Format the current time
current_time = time_now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
# Print the current time
print("The current time:", current_time) # The current time: 00:00:00


* Solution 1
* Set the default time zone
const date = new Date();
* Use the toLocaleString() method to get the current date and time in the specified time zone.
const currentTime = date.toLocaleString("en-us", {timeZone: "Europe/Amsterdam"});
* Print the current date and time
console.log(currentTime); // 1/1/2023, 12:00:00 AM