Timezone Profile
Daylight Saving Time | Not available |
IANA Timezone | Africa/Niamey |
Offset | +01:00 |
The primary country that uses the time zone Africa/Niamey is 🇳🇪 Niger.
Daylight Saving Time
DST is not observed
Date and Time Format Standards
Related Time Zones
A table with a list of time zones that have the same time offset. Including name and time zone abbreviations.
IANA Timezone | Offset Name | Abbr |
Africa/Algiers | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Bangui | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Brazzaville | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Ceuta | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Douala | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Kinshasa | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Lagos | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Libreville | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Luanda | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Malabo | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Ndjamena | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Niamey | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Porto-Novo | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Tunis | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Arctic/Longyearbyen | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Atlantic/Jan_Mayen | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
CET | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Etc/GMT-1 | GMT+01:00 | GMT+1 |
Europe/Amsterdam | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Andorra | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Belgrade | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Berlin | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Bratislava | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Brussels | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Budapest | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Busingen | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Copenhagen | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Gibraltar | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Ljubljana | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Luxembourg | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Madrid | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Malta | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Monaco | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Oslo | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Paris | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Podgorica | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Prague | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Rome | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/San_Marino | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Sarajevo | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Skopje | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Stockholm | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Tirane | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Vaduz | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Vatican | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Vienna | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Warsaw | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Zagreb | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Zurich | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
MET | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Poland | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |