Timezone Profile
Daylight Saving Time | Not available |
IANA Timezone | Africa/Lagos |
Offset | +01:00 |
Countries using the Africa/Lagos time zone are ๐ฆ๐ด Angola, ๐ง๐ฏ Benin, ๐จ๐ฉ Democratic Republic of the Congo, ๐จ๐ซ Central African Republic, ๐จ๐ฌ Republic of the Congo, ๐จ๐ฒ Cameroon, ๐ฌ๐ฆ Gabon, ๐ฌ๐ถ Equatorial Guinea, ๐ณ๐ช Niger, and ๐ณ๐ฌ Nigeria.
Daylight Saving Time
DST is not observed
Date and Time Format Standards
Related Time Zones
A table with a list of time zones that have the same time offset. Including name and time zone abbreviations.
IANA Timezone | Offset Name | Abbr |
Africa/Algiers | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Bangui | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Brazzaville | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Casablanca | GMT+01:00 | GMT+1 |
Africa/Ceuta | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Douala | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/El_Aaiun | GMT+01:00 | GMT+1 |
Africa/Kinshasa | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Lagos | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Libreville | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Luanda | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Malabo | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Ndjamena | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Niamey | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Porto-Novo | West Africa Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Africa/Tunis | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Arctic/Longyearbyen | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Atlantic/Jan_Mayen | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
CET | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Etc/GMT-1 | GMT+01:00 | GMT+1 |
Europe/Amsterdam | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Andorra | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Belgrade | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Berlin | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Bratislava | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Brussels | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Budapest | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Busingen | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Copenhagen | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Gibraltar | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Ljubljana | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Luxembourg | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Madrid | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Malta | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Monaco | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Oslo | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Paris | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Podgorica | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Prague | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Rome | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/San_Marino | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Sarajevo | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Skopje | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Stockholm | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Tirane | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Vaduz | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Vatican | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Vienna | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Warsaw | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Zagreb | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Europe/Zurich | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
MET | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |
Poland | Central European Standard Time | GMT+1 |